Neutralize Your Carbon Footprint for a Sustainable Future

Carbon Management & Reporting Tool

Facilitate internal and external data collection for ESG performance analysis.

Green Finance

Accelerate green finance application(E.g. Green Loan & Sustainability-Linked Loan).

Carbon Credit Trade

Purchase carbon credits and whitelist green projects on international carbon marketplaces. 

Managing Your Carbon Footprint with TT GREEN®


Comply with international Standards and Frameworks

We support international standards and frameworks such as GRI, TCFD, SBTi, and HKEx for sustainability reporting and ESG disclosure. 

Enjoy Fast Green Loan Application

Connect to local banks and apply for green loan or sustainability-linked loan directly on TT GREEN® to shorten the assessment process.

Access to 300+ Carbon Projects from Global Marketplaces

Buy, sell or invest in 300+ carbon credit projects from global marketplaces such as CORE Climate in Hong Kong and Climate Impact X (CIX) in Singapore. 

TT GREEN® applies to

Listed Company

TT GREEN® helps enterprises identify and record the amount and sources of carbon emissions, providing necessary and updated data for ESG reporting, implementing carbon reduction strategies, and executing business decisions.

Manufacturing Company

TT GREEN® helps enterprises streanline data collection processes. Collecting Scope 3 data from suppliers in a few clicks. Supporting data integration with open APIs and smart meter data collection automation.

Companies with carbon neutrality initiatives

TT GREEN® offers a comprehensive ESG ecosystem including carbon emissions consultancy, verification and audit services, and green and sustainable finance to facilitate the carbon management process for businesses of all sizes.

Who are we

Founded by InnoBlock, TT GREEN® is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Carbon management platform provides businesses with a comprehensive solution to achieve carbon neutrality.

Through one-stop TT GREEN® service, businesses can easily track their carbon emissions and take actions towards carbon neutrality through carbon accounting, sustainability/ESG reporting, and carbon offsetting. Our platform is designed to simplify the complex process of carbon management, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

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Our Partners

Yes.TT GREEN® provides a simple and user-friendly portal for companies to kickstart their ESG journeys.

Unlike other solutions in the market, blockchain-enabled TT GREEN® solution provides trusted ESG data through automated data collection by connecting to the API of IoT sensors and ERP systems. As a one-stop portal for carbon management and ESG reporting, companies can have a quicker and simpler access to ESG services, and access to Carbon Credit Trade.

TT GREEN® supports GHG calculations with emission factors from 350+ regions globally, which are mainly obtained from GHG protocol and IPCC. We are able to cater carbon emissions sources of different countries and cities to suit the operations of diverse business locations. 

Yes. TT GREEN®’s supplier data management system supports data collection from multiple suppliers. It will then calculate your Scope 3 carbon emissions automatically and generate reports.

TT GREEN® minimizes human error by automating data collection with integrations of IoT, ERP and HR systems. Data will be stored on blockchainbased infrastructure, ensuring its traceability, immutability, and credibility.   

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