How to Start your Carbon Neutral Journey? (Simple 5 Steps Guide)  

May 4, 2023
Photo Source: unsplash

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet, and carbon emissions are a major contributor to this problem. To combat this issue, many organizations and individuals are taking steps to achieve carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality means that an entity’s net carbon emissions are zero, meaning that they have balanced the amount of carbon they emit with an equivalent amount of carbon removal or offsetting. Achieving carbon neutrality requires effort, but it is an important step towards protecting our planet and ensuring a sustainable future. Here are the five steps to achieve carbon neutrality: 


(1) Measure Your Existing Carbon Footprints 

To achieve carbon neutrality, you need to understand your current carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted as a result of your activities over a certain period of time. Measuring your carbon footprint can help you identify the areas where you need to focus your efforts to reduce emissions. You can use online calculators or professional services to measure your carbon footprint – TT GREEN covers more than 390 regions and 500 emission activities globally complies with international frameworks to assist corporates in calculating their carbon footprints.  


(2) Set Reduction Targets (short term and long term)

Once you know your carbon footprint, you can set reduction targets. Reduction targets can be short-term or long-term and should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, you could set a target to reduce your carbon emissions by 20% in the next 5 years. It’s important to regularly monitor your progress towards these targets. Tools like TT GREEN can help you track your carbon emissions in real-time and monitor progress towards your targets. 

(3) Implement Carbon Reduction Plan 

To achieve your reduction targets, you need to implement a carbon reduction plan. A reduction plan should include a range of measures such as: 

  • Energy efficiency measures, such as using energy-efficient appliances and installing insulation. 
  • Switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydro or wind power. 
  • Encouraging sustainable transportation, such as walking, cycling, or using public transport. 
  • Reducing waste and increasing recycling. 
  • Encouraging sustainable practices among employees and stakeholders. 


(4) Offset Unavoidable Carbon Emissions by Carbon Credit  

Despite your best efforts, it may not be possible to completely eliminate all carbon emissions. In these cases, you can offset unavoidable emissions by investing in carbon credits. Carbon credits are a way to fund climate projects that reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable development. By sponsoring these projects, you can offset your own carbon emissions and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change. In addition, you can register carbon neutral labels for organizations or products such as PAS2050, PAS2060, etc from third party verifiers.  

(5) Disclose your Carbon Neutral Journey 

Finally, it’s important to disclose your carbon neutral journey. This can help inspire others to take action and promote transparency and accountability. You can share your progress and achievements through reports, social media, or other communication channels. By sharing your carbon neutral journey, you can encourage others to join the fight against climate change and make a positive impact on our planet. 



To conclude, achieving carbon neutrality is an important step towards protecting our planet and ensuring a sustainable future. By following these five steps, you can measure your existing carbon footprint, set reduction targets, implement a carbon reduction plan, offset unavoidable emissions, and disclose your carbon neutral journey. Together, we can take action to combat climate change and ensure a better future for generations to come. 


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