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Case Study
May 17, 2023

100% traceable Canadian Beef

Explore how TT Green's market-leading sustainability data and technology solutions can meet a wide range of client requirements.

Beef Industry


In order to ensure our certified beef products are sourced ethically and sustainably, TT Chain has partnered with TrustBIX, an organization that provides a chain of custody to support the supply of 100% traceable beef in Canada. Its renowned system is also known for curating the Beef InfoXchange system for McDonald’s first verified sustainable beef pilot program in Canada. With this collaboration, certified products will be represented fairly to consumers.


TrustBIX Logo

TT Chain in the Food Industry – Beef in conjunction with TrustBIX

1. Farmer and Vet

Record the details of the cow (date of birth, origin, dietary plan, quality assurance certification, and overall health of the cow). The cow is tagged with an RFID chip to prove it is free-range.

2. Abattoir and Packaging

The cow will then be packaged accordingly and a new code will be added to the product.

3. Distributor

The distributor will use appropriate transportation to ship its products.

4. Retailer

The retailer will add additional information such as recipes and wine suggestions.

5. Store

Has full transparency on the delivery time and able to adapt accordingly. Can alter promotions and orders.

6. Consumer

Consumers can simply scan a QR code attached on the packaging on the beef product. From there, the consumer can then understand the origin, overall health of the cow and many more in order empower informed decision making for consumers.

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